The Campaign for The Collegium
The Campaign for the Collegium
$3,500,000 over Five Years
This campaign has been in preparation for two years. We are ready to launch the Collegium, and we will be successful with your help. Examine the links below. Questions? Please contact Edward Schaefer at
Campaign Documents
Ready to help?
When we have 3,125 people commit to a monthly donation of $20 or more we will make our financial goals to open and sustain the Collegium through full enrollment.
(Some will be able to commit more, some less - but when everyone who sees the need and
believes in our mission participates, we will succeed.)
Right now your donations will be matched 100% by an anonymous donor.
We are handling donations through the Community Foundation of Ocala Marion County.
They are providing us with excellent service, and a secure and economical pathway to accept donations. We are pleased to be collaborating with them.
You may also make a donation by check.
Please make checks payable to Collegium sanctorum angelorum,
and remit them to
Collegium sanctorum angelorum
1619 NW 19th Circle
Gainesville, FL 32605.